Cyxone in media

Cyxone in media

BioStock interview with CEO Kjell Stenberg

May 28, 2024

Cyxone’s new CEO Kjell Stenberg gives his view on the company’s development projects, rabeximod for RA and T20K for MS, in this interview with BioStock (in Swedish). Watch the interview here:

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BioStock article: Cyxone’s CEO gives a status update

Mar 5, 2024

BioStock published an article on 5 March 2024 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. Cyxone recently reached a milestone in its rheumatoid arthritis project, rabeximod, when succeeding in identifying the molecule’s target protein. This means that...

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BioStock article: Cyxone identifies target protein for rabeximod

Jan 17, 2024

BioStock published an article on 17 January 2024 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. Cyxone has put intense focus on the development of lead candidate rabeximod – an immunomodulatory treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. The company has...

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BioStock article: Cyxone’s CEO comments on the US patent notice

Apr 6, 2023

BioStock published an article on 6 April 2023 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. Biotech company Cyxone develops new therapies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis with the phase IIb candidate Rabeximod....

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BioStock article: Cyxone reports Q3 and presents T20K

Nov 3, 2022

BioStock published an article on 3 November 2022 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. Malmö-based Cyxone recently published its report for the third quarter, which testifies that the company is focusing on the phase IIb study...

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BioStock article: October 12 – World Arthritis Day

Oct 12, 2022

BioStock published an article on 12 October 2022 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. October 12 is World Arthritis Day, which every year draws attention to people living with arthritic diseases. This term refers to a...

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BioStock article: Erika Samuelsson new CDO at Cyxone

Sep 22, 2022

BioStock published an article on 22 September 2022 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. At the beginning of the autumn, First North-listed Cyxone announced the recruitment of Erika Samuelsson as the new Chief Development Officer with...

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BioStock article: Cyxone looks forward to study start

Sep 1, 2022

BioStock published an article on 31 August 2022 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. Biopharmaceutical company Cyxone is fully focused on the upcoming phase IIb study with the candidate Rabeximod in rheumatoid arthritis. In the company’s...

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BioStock article: Cyxone comments on scientific T20K article

Aug 19, 2022

BioStock published an article on 19 August 2022 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. This week, the scientific journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy published an article regarding T20K, Cyxone’s drug candidate in multiple sclerosis. Behind the article...

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BioStock article: New IR force at Cyxone

Jul 7, 2022

BioStock published an article on 7 July 2022 about Cyxone, which can be read in full below. In June, biotech Cyxone announced a change of management – Carl-Magnus Högerkorp stepped up from his role as Chief Operating Officer to...

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